
Learning from Mandela by Professor Rita Barnard

Mar 30, 2017 at


Nelson Mandela is one of the most revered figures of our time.  A "life-loving man” by his own description, he committed himself to a compelling political struggle, faced the death penalty, and endured a prison sentence that entailed the sacrifice of a third of his life to his cause. During these long years, he became the world’s best-known prisoner, a symbol of his own people’s demand for liberation, and a galvanizing icon for millions of all around the world who yearned for a politics of moral conviction. Mandela was never uncontroversial: some have labelled him a sell-out, others a terrorist. But the qualities of leadership he displayed are inspiring to remember in our dark times: dignity, courage, consistency, flexibility, and magnanimity.  These qualities are the subject of this lecture.