Africana Studies

Register for Upcoming Events

There is always a new and exciting event to look forward to, be sure to register ahead to secure your spot.


Programs on Africa

The Africa Programs at the Center for Africana Studies provides members of the University of Pennsylvania, local, national, and international communities with information on faculty, researchers, activities, and programming on historical and contemporary Africa.

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Summer Institute for Pre-First Years

This intensive one-week course of study is taught by standing Penn faculty and exposes students to major intellectual and cultural themes and currents in 19th, 20th, and 21st century African and African Diaspora studies.

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International Conference on Everyday Lives of Instability in the Global South

The international conference organized by the Center for Africana Studies in collaboration with the Provost’s Office, Department of South Asia Studies, Department of Anthropology, Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies, Department of Africana Studies, Department of Sociology and the Marginalized Populations Program on ‘Everyday Lives of Instability in the Global South’ will focus on the tactics, strategies, and coping mechanisms that people and communities have developed in the face of the contemporary crisis of (social, economic, and political) instability—manifesting as uncertainty, precarity, insecurity, and/or vulnerability.

Upcoming Events

Slavery After Slavery: Revealing the Legacy of Forced Child Apprenticeships on Black Families, from Emancipation to the Present

Presented by Penn Bookstore
Mary Frances Berry
Feb 11, 2025 at - | Penn Bookstore, 2nd Floor
3601 Walnut Street
University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Mary Frances Berry, the Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought and professor of History and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, narrates the stories of newly emancipated…

Scholar For A Day 2025

Colonial Medicine and African Societies
Kalala Ngalamulume
Feb 21, 2025 at - | Max Kade Center, Room 329-A
3401 Walnut Street
University of Pennsylvania

The Scholar for a Day is a day-long seminar, organized by Penn graduate students of all disciplines, designed to provide students and faculty with exposure to a leading scholar in African Studies. The event allows…

Anticolonial Intimacies and Black Feminist Refusal: Theorizing from the Miskitu Coast

Africana Lecture Series: Afro-Latinx
Dr. Melanie White
Feb 25, 2025 at - | McNeil Bldg., 4th Fl. - PSC Commons
3718 Locust Walk
University of Pennsylvania

Melanie White is an interdisciplinary Black Studies scholar and cultural historian of Caribbean Central America. She is currently an ACLS Fellow and Assistant Professor of Afro-Caribbean Studies in the Department of…