Major: Africana Studies with Concentrations

Africana Studies Major (12 Courses)

Core Requirements (2 c.u.)

Required for all majors:

Introduction to Africana Studies (AFRC 1001)

Introduction to Africa (AFRC 1002)

Category Requirements (4 c.u.)

1 Humanities course

1 Social Science course

1 Methodology course (discipline open—ethnographical, quantitative, historical methods, etc.)

1 Upper Level (3000—4000) research course



4 courses within a student’s Concentration: (Must include at least one history course)

Select a concentration:  

African Studies

African American Studies

African Diaspora Studies


1 Elective Course

Capstone Paper – AFRC 3990 (1 c.u.)

In the senior year each student, working with a faculty advisor, must complete a substantial paper of 20-25-pages on a topic of the student’s choice within the chosen Concentration.


Honors option (AFRC 4999)

In the senior year, students with a 3.3 GPA or higher in the Africana Studies major may, working with a faculty advisor, develop an honors thesis within their chosen concentration, applying the theme of their choice as a guiding principle for the work. The thesis should be at least 40-pages long and is completed in lieu of a capstone paper.


Research Presentation

Seniors are required to make a public presentation of their Capstone or Thesis research.


Study Abroad

Students are encouraged to study abroad. Relevant courses taken in a Penn-approved program will typically be approved for credit toward the major, however, students must request and receive preapproval of courses from the Africana Studies Chair of Undergraduate Studies.



Language courses do not count towards the Africana Studies major; however, the Department encourages students to study languages that will enable thorough engagement in reading and research in the field of concentration.

In the senior year, each student must complete a substantial paper of 20-25-pages on a topic of the student’s choice within the chosen Concentration.  Students are responsible for enlisting a faculty member to supervise AFRC 399. 

Major Application Form

The Minor in Africana Studies (6 courses)

The Minor in Africana Studies (6 courses) Required: either AFRC 1001--Introduction to Africana Studies OR AFRC 1002--Introduction to Africa; plus, five other Africa, African-American or African Diaspora-centered courses. Three of these courses must be at the intermediate and/or upper level. Up to four of the courses may be from the same area of concentration, i.e., Africa, African-American or African Diaspora.

Language courses do not count towards the minor.

Minor Application Form (CAS)

Minor Application Form (Non-CAS)