Roger Allen

Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilization

  • Modern Arabic Fiction

  • Literatures in the Arab world


Hocine Fetni

Assistant Dean for Academic Advising, The College, School of Arts and Sciences Adjunct. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

  • Islamic Fundamentalism in the Middle East and North Africa

  • Political Instability and Laws of Investment in North Africa

  • Law and Social Change in the Middle east and North Africa - Corporation of Islamic Law



Eve Troutt Powell

Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of History and Africana Studies, On Leave for AY 2024-2025.

  • The relationship between Africa and the Middle East

  • History of African slavery in the Nile valley

Josef W. Wegner

Assistant Professor, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

  • Egyptian Mortuary Complex and Middle Kingdom Settlement Patterns in South Abydos

  • Egyptian Culture and Archaeology
